Friday, February 02, 2007
When is a result not a result? Answer: when it adds up to less than you thought it would. The mouse problem had to be solved, so my loved one set a trap with a Hershey kiss, but seeing the furry bundle lying dead the next morning it felt more like a Judas kiss. Poor little thing, and next day, another poor little thing, but even worse was this morning’s find – what looked like baby come looking for his mum. Now when we bought the trap there was an option of a device that would drive the mouse away, but since that would probably have been into next door’s house, it didn’t seem a very neighbourly thing to do, so we chose the trap, but I didn’t expect to feel this bad about it.
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Actually Ed, the only consolation is that the modern traps are pretty humane and the poor wee things never know what hit them. We heard the trap go and in the 5 seconds it took to check it, the mouse was deader than dead. Perhaps we could train them to use a litter tray then we wouldn't feel so agrieved when they sprinkle the kitchen with turds!
The notion of getting a litter tray for the mice is ... funny;) If you']re going to get a litter tray, may as well get a cat! I also hear that small terrier dogs are great mousers.
Have you thought about putting them in little customized (totally humane) wheels - a la hamster - and then by 'hooking up' the wheels they could provide your household energy! Very Green ...... but you might need quite a few mice.
Not crazy about cats, but a hampster wheel for energy? hmmm could work - we could give 50p for every mouse brought to work!
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